Codin' Redesign Concept

Giving Codin' a Fresh New Look

In Janurary 2024, interviewed at Codin' for a Product Designer role. Codin' aims to help developers find and create side projects quickly, enhancing their resumes and portfolios. By offering a platform to discover, build, optimize, share, and connect, Codin' empowers users to showcase their skills, gain inspiration, and increase their visibility among recruiters and potential collaborators.

To prepare, I created multiple design iterations of their product, specially their profile page that recruiters would see, to demonstrate my skillset and knowledge as a designer. This preparation also demonstrated my enthusiasm for their product and the opportunity to work with them. During the interview, I presented my designs, explaining my thought process and the user-centered approach I employed. This effort highlighted my dedication and passion for creating meaningful, impactful designs that align with Codin's vision.

Jan. 2024
Dereck E. Villagrana
Adobe Illustrator
UI/UX Design
Project Type
Design Challenge


Offers a comprehensive view of a user's professional background, achievements, and personal interests, creating a representation of their capabilities and personality.


Highlights users' specific technical skills and areas of knowledge, making it easier for recruiters and collaborators to identify potential fits for their needs.


Enhances user engagement and networking by allowing users to connect, follow, and share updates with like-minded developers.


Enhances user engagement and networking by allowing users to connect, follow, and share updates with like-minded developers.
Dashboard mockup

Made by  Dereck E. Villagrana  | © Copyright 2024

Made by Dereck E. Villagrana | © Copyright  2024

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